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You have achieved a lot so far - in family front, job and money. You have a wealth of experience. Great job, you should be very proud of that. I also know that you can achieve a lot more success while at the same time reduce stress and maximize fulfillment. The joy of watching you realize your dreams is what inspires me to do what i do. Learn more by watching the above video.

Mayer 40, Nadella 47, Pichai 43, Rajaram 40, Williams 33…..

When you look at the below statistics, what questions and thoughts come up for you? Marrisa Mayer, Age 40, President and CEO of Yahoo! Satya Nadella, Age 47, CEO of Microsoft Sundar Pichai, Age 43, CEO of Google Dhiraj Rajaram, Age 40, Founder and CEO of MuSigma Serena Williams, Age 33, No 1 in women’s […]

by , August 29, 2015

Lessons from Wharton’s highly successful alumni

The latest Wharton alumni magazine caught my eyes. The cover page stated “40 under 40” in 200 font size. It featured success stories of 40 of their successful alumni who are under 40 years. I read and re-read their stories as I wanted to understand the common threads across these 40 people.   What have […]

by , March 22, 2015

BIG dreams are not solely meant for our children

We ask our children about their dreams. They say prime minister, president, movie star, CEO, sports star, business owner, teacher, soldier etc. Do you remember saying something similar when you were young? Why do we have big dreams when we were young and smaller dreams when we grow up?! Here are some of the reasons […]

by , January 10, 2015

Express your gratitude; Recharge yourself and others

Many times we may focus on what we don’t have and fail to appreciate what we do have. Every time we take this approach we lower our energy level and the energy of people we interact with. What if there is a way to lift up your energy? This way you (and others) can celebrate […]

by , December 13, 2014

People skills matter more than the technical skills

The higher you grow in the organization, people skills matter more than the technical skills. This is the conclusion reached by Dale Carnegie about 70 years ago based on years of research, teaching and personal experience. It is still true based on my 15 years experience in high tech industry and my research through various […]

by , October 25, 2014

Abundance thinking vs scarcity thinking

Do you want more out of your life?  You may not realize that your thinking (mindset) affects you more than you know. Here is one such thinking. There are times when we live small due to scarcity thinking. Examples of this would include thoughts like, “I am not capable of achieving this”,  “I don’t know […]

by , August 3, 2014

Follow your dreams!

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is “The World’s #1 Leadership Thinker” – Thinkers 50 (global survey sponsored by Harvard Business Review). A few months ago he delivered a speech at the World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS). In his parting comments he referred to a survey. It was results of interviews with people who were in […]

by , September 7, 2013

New Year resolution time!

How is life? How is career? Think about it. Take your time to answer these questions. If there is something missing, this is a must read post for you. Congratulations on completing a great year! Don’t be too hard on yourself. Someone once said “if you treat others the same way you treat yourself you […]

by , December 25, 2012

The 4th US Presidential Debate!

The US election is an important process not just for the US but the entire world. I was talking to my colleagues at work over dinner the other day about the election process. If the economy and jobs is the most important topic, why would the two parties not assemble a group of experts to […]

by , October 28, 2012