Follow your dreams!
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is “The World’s #1 Leadership Thinker” – Thinkers 50 (global survey sponsored by Harvard Business Review). A few months ago he delivered a speech at the World Business and Executive Coach Summit (WBECS). In his parting comments he referred to a survey. It was results of interviews with people who were in their death bed. Their advise on the top 3 important things in life are:
a) Be happy NOW
b) Friends & Family
c) If you have a dream, go for it
This tells us how important it is for us not to constantly postpone happiness but be happy NOW, whenever we can. It reminds us where friends and family fit in priority. It is also a compelling case to follow your dreams. Dr. Goldsmith said that we typically regret for not following our dreams.
I enjoy what i do in the hi-tech industry. Many times i have been asked how i can inject so much passion, detail and hours into what i do at work. Something in me was still longing for something that was missing. I couldn’t explain it. After reflecting for many months, i learned that the longing may be to do something in the area of helping people get to the next level. A level they themselves can’t see or don’t believe as within their reach. Googling some key words on this led me to a profession called “life coach”. I called a professional coaching institute ( and also talked to a master coach – Victor Bullara. It felt like i found the passion but i wasn’t still 100% sure. I registered for iPEC’sprogram and completed the course work as i saw more and more validation that i found my passion.
Today i was coaching a veteran who has 40 years in the industry managing big jobs in various companies in hi-tech. Frankly, i was a bit nervous going into the session. I was wondering if i can really help this industry veteran. I learned a lot from my client and helped my client see some blind spots. At the end of the session i asked for feedback. I will not forget the response. The person said that conversation was valuable and that it validates that my coaching approach works. The person also went on to say that it looked as if someone watching him felt help was needed and sent me his way. This is priceless! If you have a dream, i hope this story inspires you to follow it.
by Nirmal Chandrasekaran, September 7, 2013