BIG dreams are not solely meant for our children

We ask our children about their dreams.

They say prime minister, president, movie star, CEO, sports star, business owner, teacher, soldier etc.

Do you remember saying something similar when you were young? Why do we have big dreams when we were young and smaller dreams when we grow up?!

Here are some of the reasons we may have:

  • not lucky enough
  • family responsibilities
  • organization politics
  • don’t have the connections
  • my father was not rich
  • BIG dreams are for movies
  • busy with other things
  • almost forgot I used to have big dreams


What is your reason?

Are these reasons true or the TRUTH? In other words, does it feel true to you or is it the ultimate TRUTH?

I found that for every reason (or to be blunt ‘excuse’ we give), we will find highly successful people who were in far worse situations.

We have more wealth, experience and independence than we ever had. We are fortunate not to be on an airplane that faced tragic ends. Let us make full use of it. Let us be role models for our children by going after the BIG goals that you care about. We may either win BIG or may not win that BIG. Either way, we will learn a lot and can teach (by example) our family and friends to dream BIG.

About Nirmal Chandrasekaran:

Nirmal is a leadership coach, consultant and founder of The Mindset Gym. He is passionate about helping middle level manager, sr. engineers executes achieve big dreams. He is one among a short list of youngest Vice Presidents’ at a big-5 high-tech electronics manufacturing company in Silicon Valley. He is also a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) from a top coaching school and Energy Leadership Index™ (leadership assessment tool) Master Practitioner (ELI-MP).

by , January 10, 2015