Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Mindset Gym is hosted on one of the well-known hosting companies which host 8 million domains. The information you provide on the site is managed by the security system of the hosting company.

The Mindset Gym does not sell your email or other contact information to other companies. It is used solely by The Mindset Gym to service your needs.

By using the site you understand and agree that

  1. When you post information on the site in the public section (i.e. blog posts, comments to posts, coach profile and offerings etc.), it is open to public
  2. The Mindset Gym may periodically monitor your site usage and information exchanged on the site to improve our services
  3. The Mindset Gym will assume no liability for any risks that may arise as a result of information you share on the site
  4. The Mindset Gym privacy policy may change from time to time and it is the user responsibility to periodically refer to terms of use to understand the latest version.


Revision log:

Initial release – Oct 2012

Update – Jan 2013; Aug 2014