What is coaching

Coaching is a partnership between a client and a coach whereby the client is empowered to discover the solution to the most pressing personal and professional opportunities / challenges. The best way to understand the true value of coaching is to experience it.

I believe in the following core principles. These have a direct influence on how i approach the coaching session:

  •  The answers to all questions lie within the individual
  • Each individual is unique. Therefore, the solution to their opportunities / challenges ought to be unique to them.
  • The most empowering way for a client is to discover the solution themselves instead of being told what to do. Keith Miller (ICF PCC) states this as a process similar to how a butterfly comes out of a cocoon. Butterflies take time to gradually build strength in the wings and use that strength to break out of the cocoon. When it comes out, that strength helps her fly. If we help the butterfly come out of the cocoon, for sure it will come out faster, but it won’t have the strength in the wings to fly.
  • In areas the client feels stuck and is open for options, options are presented for consideration. The final decision is still with the client.

There are a couple of professions which are similar to coaching. Here they are at a general definition level along with why they are not coaching.

Mentors: Mentors have been there and have done it. They share their experience with their student such that the student can learn from it and follow the path. Coaches believe each person is unique and what works for a person may not be a natural fit for another.

Therapists: Therapists help people who have gone through traumatic situation and are unable to come out of it. Coaches’ see therapists as a profession who takes people who are dysfunctional to functional level. Coaches’ help people go from functional level to optimal level.

Counselors: Dictionary.com defines counselor as “a faculty member who advises students on personal and academic problems, career choices, and the like”. Although coaches do have their own work background and experience, they do not advise clients on what to do.

Consultants: Consultants are subject matter experts in specific domains. They advise clients on the best practices to solve problems in those domains. Coaches inspire the clients to figure their unique solution, which is empowering to the client. I wear two hats (consultant and coach) depending on the session and problem at hand, and the client need.